Hi, I'm Bonnie.
The more I’ve given myself permission to play, the more my life has expanded.
I grew up hearing “you’re responsible” and combined with growing up in the high demand mormon religion, I felt like I needed to keep myself tidy and tight. Play can be messy and transformative. I stepped out of the church, out of my marriage, and into big questions about how play, community, and confidence hold hands.
As a mom to three kids, an entrepreneur, and a yoga teacher’s teacher, play has become central to the experiment of figuring out what I want and how I want make an impact on the world. I’ve found that it all begins with me.
Play is central to everything I offer.
Every invitation to participate includes some aspect where you have to give yourself permission to think out-of-the-box and break some “rules.” I’ve worked with hundreds of teachers to help them own the hell out of their voice and continue to build a business where helping others own who they are is central to living a life they’re proud AF about.

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